A Life'f Progreff Usefully Illuftrated as a Proceff of Falling Off and Climbing Back On Again
In Feveral Partf, fome Comic, and Fome Tragic, varioufly Illufrated, and mervelloufly Compofed to Entertain & Instruct the Reader.
Lacking proper instruction I fly over a car in an incorrect manner and injure myfelf. Further encounterf with memberf of the West Auftralian Conftabulary.
A cautionary tale involving several beerf, a ditch, and a copiouf and completely exceffive quantity of darkneff. Also a moral leffon concerning proper footware.
Wherein a young lady is feduced, and large quantitief of lubrication are found to be neceffary.
In which the author is properly inftructed in the correct manner in which to drive into other vehicles.
A portion of the author's anatomy being exceffively enlarged, he is able to reaffure his readerf that hif reproductive capacity is not impaired.
A tale punctuated by punctures, and further enlivened by falling off.
Where it is proven that the purchafe of pleafure bringf woe (and much unneceffary pufhing and fhoving).
In which the author does penance for affociating with the wrong sort of motorcycle (and promifef not to do it again).
In which the forward roll is finally perfected.
Wherein the author confeffef his only collifion with a Volvo, and spends too long conforting with failors.
A pitiful tale of decayed virility, in which the author borrowf the Last Trump from the archangel Gabriel, and fits it to hif exhaust to demonftrate that fize doef count.
In which the author finally purchafef a proper motorcycle.
Copyright © Colin Low 1997